Hi, I'm Bálint!

I'm committed to commit code for 365 Days straight on GitHub so I can expand my skills and become a proficient web developer.

GitHub Streak

About me

What I do

I'm Balint, a self-taught coder with a TAFE diploma in Business Programming. I love solving real-world problems through data, code and automations. I'm obsessed with optimization and running the leanest possible tech stack.

In addition to my passion for coding, I'm also a full-stack solopreneur with over a decade of experience running online businesses.

I'm committed to taking my programming skills to the next level. That's why I'm coding every day for a year. Thanks for stopping by my website.

Say hi in email if you think we have things in common!

My skills








Tailwind CSS




Brief history


Started the "Five languages in five years" project

In 5 years I learned 5 different languages to various extents. English to native level, passed the German C1 exam, Spanish to B2 level, Russian to A2 level, and passed the HSK2 exam in Mandarin Chinese.


Started running a fluentin3months.com

One of the biggest language learning blogs in the world. Responsible for data, backend, partly frontend, and marketing.


Turned side project into an online business

The blog I started writing in 2009 otevotnyelv.com turned into a course business. Streamlined and automated it to 95%.


Started learning web development

My goal is to become a full-stack developer. I‘m primarily learning at Zero To Mastery and creating my own apps. Committing every day to my GitHub repos.

My projects

Can I Compost It?

Find out if you can put a particular item in your home composting bin. Searchable database built with Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS and Google Sheets as backend API. Code, copy, design and API were all developed by me. Reddit loved it.

PagodApp Tracking

I made PagodApp for my Kyokushin karate klub to monitor members' progress via a Google sheet backend and an embeddable iframe frontend. Charts were created using Chart.js.